Who is looking to follow a specialized Weapon Retention online training program?
This critical combative tutorial series leverages the combined knowledge and experiences of Chad Lyman and Jared Wihongi, two experienced SWAT Operators with specializations in grappling and weapons-based systems.
They are the perfect combination of expertise to deliver the most complete and comprehensive foundations for surviving deadly force encounters in weapons-based environments.
This weapon retention course features a progressive training system that builds your skills from the ground up.
You will begin with simple drills that build your foundation in all ranges of the fight from striking, clinch, and groundwork.
These elements will stack onto one another in a simple, easy-to-understand way until you reach proficiency and efficiency through guided repetition and drilling.
You will learn how to conceal, retain, and deploy your weapon of choice against aggressive and violent attacks from a 360-degree perspective while standing, clinching, or ground fighting
With this solid base, everything is now in place to take this online training to the next level
Let's skip the long intro and cut straight to the chase.
Whether you are a security and law enforcement professional or a civilian concealed weapons carrier, this material is absolutely essential for improving your survival potential and ability to protect those you serve, protect and love.
The goal of this Weapon Retention is not to replace your existing training programs, but rather to complement them.

The bottom line is:
This WEAPON RETENTION course will provide you with the skills necessary, that when trained, will greatly enhance your capability to protect your firearm at that moment you may need those skills the most.
In this upcoming video series, Jared Wihongi and Chad Lyman will be walking you through some very specific sets of skills covered in the WEAPON RETENTION course.
Skills that are relatively easy to retain to a functional level, and trust in a comparatively short period of time. The best part is - you can integrate these skills into whatever systems you are currently studying or passionate about.
The goal of this TRICOM course in collaboration with CODE 4 CONCEPTS is not to show you what Jared Wihongi and Chad Lyman have been successful in doing, but rather teach you what YOU are capable of doing.
We want as many of our protectors in uniform, martial artists and responsible, defense-minded civilians as possible to have access to these essential Weapon Retention skills.
Weapon Retention is typically taught as it relates to firearms, but remember that what is taught here can be applied to defending any weapon you may have on your person (edged, impact, chemical, electrical, or otherwise.)
Here's What We CAN Guarantee
This is one of our most extensive and complete online training programs on Weapon Retention so far.
We are giving you all the information, drills, techniques, and guidance.
We won't hold back anything in this training program.
Every single secret, every technique, every strategy that has worked for these instructors will be revealed and explained in detail so you can easily adapt to it.
We honestly believe - we are even certain- this is the most complete online Weapon Retention training program you will find anywhere.
It is 100% up-to-date, fresh, and extremely in-depth.
The training process is a journey, and taking the first step is often the most difficult barrier to break.
It's not a collection of abstract theory, but rather a practical and structured online training program with detailed instructions, drills, and applications along every step of the process.
The WEAPON RETENTION course uses simple and retainable concepts, and that’s exactly what you're getting.
Here's What Happens After That
As soon as you've registered for the WEAPON RETENTION course, you'll receive your login information to access the TRICOM Training platform.
...PLUS we might even have some unannounced secret bonuses and discounts for you that will completely blow your mind.
All we know is, you won't regret having signed up for this!